MP Vitalise Liquid Biostimulant - 20L
MP Vitalise (2.7-1-2.7)
Stress recovery & growth stimulation.
* Increases nutrient availability in both soil & foliar applications
* Improves heat & drought tolerance
* Strengthens turfgrass defence systems
* Enhances root growth
* Reduces shock from transplant stress
* Contains beneficial biology for nutrient mineralisation
Foliar application - 200ml in 4-8L water per 100m2. Leave on foliage for at least 12hours.
2 - 4 weekly as necessary depending on clipping harvest.
Soil drench application - 400ml / 100m2. Apply in sufficient amount of water to cover area, then irrigate as soon as practical with enough water to wash ingredients into the rootzone without excessive flushing.
4 - 6 weekly depending on soil type.
This product, or any of the MATCHplay range can now be delivered direct from the warehouse in each state of Australia. This is ideal for those of you wanting to buy single, bulk, or multiple items. Please contact us for details & pricing.