TaserPRO 800 WP Insecticide - 150gm
TaserPRO 800 WP is a residual broad spectrum non-repellent insecticide for the treatment of African Black Beetle (adults) and Earthworms in turf. TaserPRO is also a non-pyrethroid and is ideal for resistance management. It can be rotated with selected pyrethroids to limit resistance in a management regime. TaserPRO 800 WP is biodegradable with low risk of environmental contamination; it is water-based, so contains no oil or solvent to damage turf.
Nuisance Earthworm in Amenity Turf
Earthworm activity is beneficial in most natural and agricultural systems, but excessive earthworm casting is a problem on sports fields worldwide.
Earthworm casting on the surface of golf course fairways is becoming one of the most challenging management issues for superintendents.
Casting occurs when earthworms ingest soil and leaf tissue to extract nutrients, then emerge from their burrows to deposit the faecal matter, or casts, as mounds of soil on the turf surface.
Earthworms become an issue in amenity turf when:
- Expulsion of soil rich earthworm faecal matter, or casts, as mounds of soil on the turf canopy can muddy the surface, reduce photosynthesis, and lead to thinning, weed invasion and surface softening.
- Casts affect ball roll on sports fields and causes fouling of maintenance equipment and dulls mower blades.
- Build-up of cast material on cylinder mower units can affect height and quality of cut.
- In low-cut amenity turf grass systems such as lawn bowls, cricket pitches, golf course greens, tees and fairways, surface castings from earthworms can result in a muddy playing surface, ball roll issues, water retention in the canopy, weed and pest invasion, reduced aesthetics, surface softening and decreased photosynthesis.
- Extensive earthworm casting on fairways interferes with proper maintenance practices, the playability of the turf grass and the overall appearance of the fairways.
- Affected turf can become thin and the playing surface can soften.
- It is recommended that 2 applications are applied 4 weeks apart
- When making a tank mix the addition of a wetter helps soil penetration of the treatment
- Once applied irrigate with 6-8 mL of water to assist in soil penetration
- TaserPRO 800 WP can be applied to a turf surface prior to a moderate rain fall event (6-10 mL) to aid in penetration into soil zone
- Peak treatment times commence in April through to late August (or whenever conditions promote earthworm castings in undesirable locations
If these application techniques are followed it is expected that turf will be protected for up to 4 months.
IMPORTANT: After significant rain events it may be necessary to reapply the treatment. Large volume rain events can dilute the product and its performance.
NOTE: earthworms are considered to be beneficial in turf for soil aeration, water penetration, thatch control and the addition of bacteria and organic matter. Sundew TaserPRO 800WP Insecticide should be used as part of an integrated pest management program which incorporates other non-pesticide options.
Key Features:
- Active ingredient: bendiocarb 800 g/kg
- Excellent against African Black Beetle and Earthworms in turf situations
- Excellent against a broad range of urban pests
- Can be mixed with sugar to form an effective fly bait
- Contains no oil or solvent to damage turf
- Non-pyrethroid and is ideal for rotation and resistance management
- NOTE: we recommend to irrigate immediately after application with 6 – 10 mL water
Black Beetle (adults) - 13-18 gm per 100 m2.
Apply in sufficient water to give uniform coverage (minimum 10 L per 100 m2 ). Apply when adult beetles are present (September – November and late January - February). Use the higher rate on sandy soils or in areas of heavy infestation.
Earthworms - 13-18 gm per 100 m2.
Apply in sufficient water to give uniform coverage (minimum 10 L per 100 m2 ). Use the higher rate on sandy soils or in areas of heavy infestation.
NOTE: earthworms are considered to be beneficial in turf for soil aeration, water penetration, thatch control and the addition of bacteria and organic matter. TaserPRO 800WP Insecticide should be used as part of an integrated pest management program which incorporates other non-pesticide options, such as aeration & correct irrigation management.