MP Promote Soil Inoculant - 10L
MP Promote
'Plant Guard' + VM3 + VAM
'Plant Guard' contains patented beneficial pro-biotic strains including Pseudomonas and Bacillus that can be effective in pre-conditioning plants to combat stressful conditions. Significant R&D and successful field trials have led to the creation of 'Plant Guard'.
This product contains:
• Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (VAM) - 40,000 propagules per 10 L. Strains: Glomas intraradices, Glomas mosseae, Glomas aggregatum & Glomas clarum.
• Beneficial Biology – proprietary blend of 14 scientifically balanced and activated species of bacillus, pseudomonas and yeast.
5 Unique features:
• Greater uptake of soil applied fertiliser - P, K, Fe, Zn
• Improved drought tolerance and water use efficiency
• Contains plant and root stimulants and trace minerals
• Highly concentrated, easy to apply
• Safe tank mixing with MP Superior Liquid Range
The functions of MP Promote:
• Increase and stimulate beneficial soil microbiology
• Pre-condition soil and turf for high pressure disease and drought conditions
• Increase plant nutrient uptake with VAM Fungi
Soil drench application - 100ml/100m2. Apply in a minimum of 3L of water/100m2 and wash into the soil.
Apply in early spring, early summer and autumn.
Apply prior to application of P fertiliser where possible to maximise spore uptake and establishment.
This product, or any of the MATCHplay range can now be delivered direct from the warehouse in each state of Australia. This is ideal for those of you wanting to buy single, bulk, or multiple items. Please contact us for details & pricing.