4Turf Premium Ryegrass - 5kg
Double Tetraploid Turf-Type Perennial Ryegrass.
What is DOUBLE? DOUBLE is a new turf type of tetraploid perennial ryegrass bred especially for rapid installation and unique stress tolerance. Traditional turf type perennial ryegrasses have two sets of chromosomes, whereas tetraploids have four sets. DOUBLE is one of the varieties in the 4TURF brand.
Tetraploids have long been known to show better stress and disease tolerance compared to diploids. Now these advantages are also available in a turf grass variety: DOUBLE. In particular in dry conditions DOUBLE outperforms diploids.
• Superior in dry conditions
• All-round disease resistance
• Rapid germination in cool temperatures
• Stronger, deeper, denser root system - provides better wear tolerance
Seeding Rates:
• New Establishment: 3-5kg/100m2
• Overseeding Dormant Warm Season Grasses: 3-4kg/100m²
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