ProForce Amigo 120ME PGR - 1L
ProForce Amigo 120ME is a plant growth regulator formulation containing 120g/L of the active ingredient Trinexapac-ethyl.
ProForce Amigo 120ME is a micro-emulsion formulation and is registered for the regulation of leaf and stem growth, as well as a turf management aid across a range of turfgrass species and growing regimes.
It is registered and safe for use on a very broad range of turfgrass species including; Common and Hybrid Couch, Bentgrass, Kikuyu, Queensland Blue Couch, Carpetgrass, Buffalo, Bahiagrass, Zoysia, Fescues, Perennial Ryegrass, Durban grass and Poa annua.
Well Maintained Lawns & General Turf Surfaces - 10-60mL (turf species dependant).
Knapsack Application: Apply in 2-10L of water per 100m2.
> ProForce Amigo 120ME is absorbed by leaf and stem tissue only.
> It has no soil activity. Do not apply if rainfall is expected within 1 hour, and do not irrigate turf for at least 1 hour after application.
> Application volume should be adequate to ensure thorough and even coverage.
> Mowing: • Do not mow 4 hours post treatment. • Do not mow 1 hour pre treatment.