Rapid Green Defiant TTT Turf Ryegrass Seed
Best in high wear tolerance and a premium looking grass that’s great for backyards! An Elite Ryegrass blend, its spectacular dark green appearance is specifically bred for lawn and turf application. Provides very good winter activity not provided by other grasses.
Great for sports, children's play, pets and high wear areas. With a fine texture and fast establishment it's back in use quicker than other lawn types and cuts cleanly.
Defiant TTT tolerates low mowing and resists insect attack.
- 100% Turf Type Perennial Ryegrass
Optimum Sowing Temperature: Between 15 and 25 degrees celsius
Recommended sowing in AUTUMN and SPRING
Grass Type Characteristics:
- Establishment Rate (in Ideal Conditions): Very Fast, 7-10 days
- Drought Tolerance: Moderate
- Shade Tolerance: Excellent
- Heat Tolerance: Moderate
- Wear Tolerance/Pet Tolerance: Very good
- Frost Tolerance: Excellent
Quality Rating:
Premium Lawn Surface *****
Leaf Width
- Fine (<3mm)
Sowing Rate:
New Sowing: 3-4kg / 100m2
Oversowing Existing Lawn: Use approx half new sowing rate
Apply a quality starter fertiliser at time of sowing.
Germination Time: In Optimal Conditions you may see germination in 7-10 days.
*During the first 30 days watering may be necessary 3-4 times a day. Seed should not be allowed to dry out.
All lawns need water in dry periods. Defiant TTT Perennial Ryegrass lawns will need additional irrigation in hot Summer months. Water at least twice a week – more frequently in extreme weather weeks. Handy tip: If you walk on your lawn and it doesn’t spring back – it needs water.
First mow: When well established at around 40-50mm height.