RhizoVital Turf Live Beneficial Microbes 1L
OCP RhizoVital Turf contains actual 'living spores' of a soil bacteria that rapidly colonises new root growth, supporting healthy turf growth, improving plant vitality and resilience to stress.
Contains: 2 X 1010 cfu/ml Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (STRAIN FBZ42) Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 is a natural soil bacteria that rapidly colonises new root growth, supporting healthy turf growth, improving plant vitality and resilience to stress.
RhizoVital Turf should be applied preventatively as part of an integrated approach to plant and soil health. RhizoVital Turf can be applied all year round to support a healthy rhizosphere.
20-40ml/100m2 monthly, or as required. Irrigation must be applied immediately following application as the spores need to come into contact with the plant roots. Foliar applications have NO benefit.