ProForce Rumbler 100SC Insecticide - 1L
ProForce Rumbler 100SC Insecticide is a broad spectrum insecticide, in a suspension concentrate formulation, containing 100g/L of the active ingredient Bifenthrin. It is registered for the control of Lawn Armyworm and Sod Webworm and adult stages of Argentine Stem Weevil, Billbug and African Black Beetle in all recreational turf situations. Bifenthrin will not control the larvae stage.
Rumbler 100SC Insecticide is also registered for the control of a range of insects including Two Spotted Mite, Caterpillars and Loopers, White Fly, Mealy Bug, Plague Thrips and Cutworms in ornamental plant situations.
Rumbler 100SC Insecticide is also labelled for the control of several ant species including Black Ant, Coastal Brown Ant, Funnel Ant, Meat Ant, Sugar Ant and Stinging Ants in turf and pest control situations.
Rumbler 100SC Insecticide is additionally labelled for the control of Spiders, Papernest Wasps, Cockroaches, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Flies and Ticks in internal and external areas and surrounds of domestic, commercial, public and industrial buildings or structures. Rumbler
100SC Insecticide is also registered for the protection of structures, timber and timber products from Subterranean Termites.
Rumbler is also available in a larger 5L size. Contact us for details.
Rumbler 100SC Technical Guide: