Citrus Bundle
Flowers, Fruits & Roots Granules + Iron Sulphate Powder
Our 4.5kg granular Flowers, Fruits & Roots and 1kg Iron Sulphate are mineral-based custom blend fertilisers made locally in Australia to suit local conditions. This combination supplies everything hungry Citrus trees need.
By buying this product, you are supporting local small businesses and your local community.
Benefits of use:
- High-K (Potassium) fertiliser designed for flowering and fruiting plants & trees.
- Helps support trunks & roots
- Improved seed germination
- Powerful beneficial microbial stimulant
- Bio/Disease Protection
- Highly effective water retention improves growing media
- Increases Brix (sugar) Levels
Typical analysis:
Nitrogen 8%
Phosphorous 2%
Potassium 20%
Sulphur 8.84%
Silica 6.89%
Calcium 3.79%
Iron 0.27%
Magnesium 0.56%
Zinc 330mg/kg
Manganese 310mg/kg
Copper 250mg/kg
Boron 143mg/kg
Cobalt 3.0mg/kg
Molybdenum 0.01mg/kg
Application rate:
Plants in pots Various spec. 2g p/L of mix
Trees & Shrubs
Foliage 2 - 4 kg / m3
Flowers & Fruit 3 - 4 kg / m3
Natives 1.5 - 3 kg / m3
Plants in ground
Bedding plants e.g. Begonia 2 kg / 100sqm
e.g. Alyssum/Salvia 5.5 kg / 100sqm
Roses 70g per sqm
Strawberries 20g per sqm
Carnations 4g per plant
Shrubs Small up to 0.5m 20g per plant
Medium 0.5 - 2m 40g per plant
Trees Tall over 2m 60g per plant/tree (not fruit tree)
Fruit trees 2nd year 20 - 40g per tree
Turf & Lawn 20 - 40g per sqm
200 - 400 kg/ha