ProForce ProSedge 750DF - 25gm
ProSedge 750DF is a systemic herbicide containing the active ingredient Halosulfuron-methyl.
It is registered for the control of Sedges, ie - Mullumbimby Couch (Green Kyllinga) and Nutgrass in a broad range of turfgrasses including Common Couch, Hybrid Couch, Bentgrass, Buffalo, Kikuyu, Queensland Blue Couch, Perennial Ryegrass, Tall Fescue, Durban Grass and Carpetgrass.
It possesses systemic activity that moves through the plant and removes the sedge’s underground growing parts.
ProSedge 750DF must be applied with a non-ionic surfactant (Wetter 1000) to ensure uptake.
ProSedge 750DF is a 750g/kg Dry Flowable Dispersible Granule formulation.
ProSedge 750DF is a S5 (Caution) chemistry.
Rates: 1.3gm in at least 8L of water per 100sq metres with the addition of Wetter 1000 at 1.2ml/L of water.
For example, mix 1.3gm ProSedge + 12ml Wetter 1000 in 10L of water and apply the 10L mix to 100 square metres.
Application: Apply using a flat fan nozzle/s matched to your sprayers output.