SureFire Multi Turf Herbicide
SureFire Multi Turf Herbicide targets broadleaf weeds in turf.
It contains 300g/L MCPA, 15g/L Diflufenican and 20g/L Clopyralid. The same active ingredients as Bow & Arrow & Warhead Trio, etc.
It is registered for the control of a range of broadleaf weeds in all recreational turf. It won't control Annual Grassy Weeds like Wintergrass, Summer Grass, Paspalum, Crowsfoot Grass, etc.
Multi Turf Herbicide can be used on a wide variety of established turf species, including Common & hybrid Couch/Bermuda, Qld Blue Couch, Kikuyu, Buffalo, Fescue and Ryegrass.
Multi Turf Herbicide contains a dual-mode of action (contact & systemic) for improved performance.
The addition of our 'Wetter 1000' surfactant to the tank-mix will greatly improve results & is highly recommended to ensure thorough bonding with the weed's foliage & avoid wasteful run-off.
Broadleaf Weeds including; White Clover, Plantain, Capeweed, Cat’s Ear, Bindii, Cudweed, Creeping Oxalis, Dandelion, etc.
Key Features
- Dual modes of action, Group 4 & 12.
- Broad spectrum of weeds controlled.
- Low odour, Schedule 5 POISON herbicide.
- Effective on both immature and mature weeds.
- Can be used over a range of warm and cool season turf species.
- A wide range of sizes for all users - 500ml, 1L & 5L.
- We also have a 10L size variant in 'ProForce Warhead Trio' available here on the online shop.
- We also have a 'Flatweed Bundle' available - 1 x 500ml Multi Turf + 1 x 1L Wetter 1000.
- 5L in 200-500L water per hectare / 50ml in 2-5L water per 100m2,
- Apply using an AIXR 'coarse - very coarse' droplet nozzle tip correctly matched to your sprayer output.
- Tank-mix with our 'Wetter 1000' surfactant to achieve maximum results.
- Apply to actively growing weeds.
- Transient discolouration may occur on Buffalo, Kikuyu, Carpetgrass & Qld Blue Couch.
- Differences in certain Buffalo grass varieties may produce more pronounced effects and it is recommended that small areas be tested for turf safety before large scale application occurs.
- Avoid exceeding application rates, or through overlapping sprayed areas.