ProForce Warhead Trio Selective Herbicide - 10L
ProForce Warhead Trio Herbicide is a broadleaf weed targeted herbicide containing 300g/L MCPA (Potassium Salt), 15g/L Diflufenican and 20g/L Clopyralid. The same active ingredients as Bow & Arrow, Javelin, Stadium.
It is registered for the control of a range of dicot weeds in all recreational turf situations.
Warhead Trio Herbicide can be used on a wide variety of established turf species, including Common Couch, Qld Blue Couch, Kikuyu, Buffalo, Paspalum, Fescue and Ryegrass.
Warhead Trio herbicide contains a dual mode of action for improved performance and resistance management.
Key Features
> Dual modes of action, Group F & I. More effective performance with resistance management advantages.
> Broadest Spectrum Weed Control. One pass solution that gets the job done.
> Low odour, schedule 5 herbicide. Easy to use and safer for use in public environments than some other products.
> Effective on both immature and mature weeds. Controls broadleaf weeds at most stages of development.
> Non Dicamba based product, reducing potential for established tree damage.
> Can be used over a range of warm and cool season turf species.
> 10L pack size. Complies with manual handling requirements. Easier to use in spray tank mixing operations.
Broadleaf Weeds Including; White Clover (Trifolium repens) Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula) Cat’s Ear (Hypochoeris radicata) Bindii, Onehunga (Soliva sessilis) Cudweed (Ganphalium spp.) Creeping Oxalis (Oxalis corniculata)
5L in 200-500L water per hectare / 50ml in 2-5L water per 100m2.
Apply to actively growing weeds. Transient discolouration may occur on kikuyu and carpetgrass and Qld Blue Couch. Varietal differences in certain buffalo grasses (ST85) may produce more pronounced effects and it is recommended that small areas be tested for turf safety before large scale application occurs. Avoid exceeding application rates through overlapping sprayed areas. Use our 'Wetter 1000' surfactant to achieve maximum results.